L'écart et la différence
(The distance and the difference)
Solo exhibition L'écart et la différence, La maison Lismonde, Linkebeek, 2018.
Gouache, oil, pastel, watercolour on photo printed on different formats of drawing paper 300 g/m2. Photos taken in the garden of La Maison Lismonde and other landscapes.
Each work may have one or more of the titles listed below:
— L'écart et la différence (The distance and the difference)
— Continu, discontinu (Continuous, discontinuous)
— La structure sous jacente (The underlying structure)
— Suite cyclique de segments consécutifs (Cyclic sequence of consecutive segments).
The words in the French title are borrowed from the philosopher François Jullien, who spoke about his book Vivre de paysage ou l'impensé de la raison (Editions Gallimard, 2014), in the radio programme “Du Jour au Lendemain” on www.franceculture.fr/..., 2014