Godelieve Vandamme lives and works in Brussels, Belgium.
Contact by email: godevandamme @ gmail.com
Website by laurebertrand.be

In the studio: “Ready made” in wood and two oil paintings on paper, 32 × 30 cm, on the left

En cet Empire... and Les Alpins, on the left; Les Alpins, « Sils Maria » Carte de l'Engadine, photo Les plis du monde, Sasso Manduino/Paysage Carte and 3 photos Sasso Manduino, on the right, by Godelieve Vandamme

Brussels studio on the left, Godelieve Vandamme working on La Laiterie on the right

Fundaziun Nairs studio, Switzerland

Les Alpins and Gothard on the left, In that Empire... and Sasso Manduino on the right